
Friday, February 4, 2011

CCTV Terror Prevention

Image processing technology developed by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland will assist efforts to prevent terrorist attacks. New technologies that improve the monitoring of luggage or bags which deliberately abandoned in public places through CCTV cameras.

CCTV systems are used in a public place has the capacity to collect large amounts of image material. But until now no effective way to analyze the mass of video data automatically and identify potential risks. VTT involved in an EU project aimed at seeking information technology solutions to end the problem. 

A risk that can occur, such as, who deliberately abandoned suitcase in a public place and may contain explosives or other dangerous substances. Terrorist attacks using such tactics have killed many civilians. The monitoring of essential luggage in airports, train stations, trade centers, and public places in other critical infrastructure. 

The purpose of this SUBITO project, funded by the European Commission, is to improve the image analysis technology on the existing CCTV system. With the help of an application that was developed as part of the project, CCTV cameras can recognize its owner abandoned suitcase that automatically and quickly identify and track the location and the person who left it there. 

This new application has clear commercial potential because the technology can be used to obtain the material before drawing any incident occurred. During the project, VTT has developed a device to make intelligent camera work more effectively. 

Security officers can get rid of every bag is accidentally left behind by fast so they concluded the potential risk. The bag can be moved to the office of the goods lost at the airport or the market if it does not contain any harmful objects. 

Subito strengthen security in an efficient and cheap as this new technology can be combined with the existing CCTV system. CCTV surveillance is effective to increase preventive measures and increase awareness of safety in public places.

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